Dileshwari: June 2023 Story of Empowerment


Meet Dileshwari, our June 2023 featured student for Stories of Empowerment. 

Dileshwari lives in Balangir with her child and husband, who works as a laborer for daily wages. Due to the nature of his job, it is oftentimes difficult for him to find work, placing Dileshwari’s family in a very difficult financial situation. A naturally ambitious individual, Dileshwari had always wanted to help support her family so that the sole responsibility to provide isn’t just on the husband. 

At just the right moment, Dileshwari heard about the One Life Movement tailoring center. She says that she was filled with joy and signed up as soon as possible. “I had had a desire to learn tailoring from my childhood,” Dileshwari said, “and through One Life Movement, my dreams came true!” Dileshwari is now learning the craft of stitching and is excited to soon be able to use this new skill to help provide for her family. 

Dileshwari sends her thanks to all of the One Life Movement staff who have made her dreams a reality. Many women just like Dileshwari get the chance for a new start thanks to the OLM tailoring center. Consider joining us in our mission to help underprivileged women achieve financial independence by donating today.