Defeating Addiction
Drug & Alcohol Rehab

One Life Movement introduced the Drug & Alcohol rehabilitation program in May 2019. Our staff noticed a rise in household problems and most of them were caused by or compounded by fathers who were addicted to drugs, alcohol, and other controlled substances. Many family members of our Learning Center students told our teachers about their experiences or struggles with alcohol and drug addiction and how it has affected their family life. So, we took it upon ourselves to make a difference in our communities by assisting those who want to break free from the chains of addiction.
We inaugurated a 'Daycare Center' in November of 2020. The Daycare Center is open everyday from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. This is a space where recovering addicts can find accountability and assistance in their journey to freedom from addictions. The Daycare Center keeps these men busy with activities, sessions, and various fun indoor and occasional outdoor games such as football or cricket. As the program we realized the necessity for a night shelter for homeless addicts. The Night Shelter was established in February 2021. Since the inception of these projects, we have seen various addicts completely turn their lives around. Many have gone back to their families and taken their place as fathers and husbands. Some are still on the path to recovery and we look forward to helping them on their journey.
At One Life Movement, we know that the journey only begins once an addict leaves our Daycare Center or Night Shelter, and so, our commitment to anyone who joins the OLM family is a life-long commitment. We look forward to helping many individuals say no to drugs and alcohol and lead healthy fulfilling lives.